Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Monday & Tuesday

We've been BUSY!! Here's an update from the past two days.

We headed up the mountain to Lachaqui early in the morning. It was a clear, beautiful day and the view was amazing. We met the new director of the Lachaqui schools and then headed over to the primary building. My friend, Dulia, is back at the primary school now - what an awesome surprise! We were able to share the story of the crucifixion and a craft with all of the primary students. After lunch by the river, we headed to Carhua. We weren't able to see the children this day because they were deep in their lessons, but we set up a time to return on Tuesday. We took some time to walk into Canta and shop at Mercedes' shop (a local Christian sister) and to find Pastor Miguel. The rest of the evening was restful - skyping our families and planning for the rest of the week.

There was rain on Monday, and the roads were ROUGH. Tucker and Miguel actually had to get out of the van and build the road back with large rocks where it had washed away. We had a great time with the children of Carhua - Bible stories and crafts. I also managed to set up the use of a very large room at the school for our trip in August. (I'm on the lookout for a doctor... spread the word) In Lachaqui, we had more time with the primary school, but the secondary school proved more challenging. Please pray that they will be more open to our presence. This has been a problem in the past, and we are still trying to build those relationships, particularly with school leadership now that Dulia isn't the director. We had lunch at our Christian sister, Elizabeth's, restaurant... Caroline got a chicken foot in her soup. Lucky! :)  We went into Canta to meet Pastor Raphael. He is taking over the church in Canta as Miguel moves to Huamantanga to evangelize. He invited Tucker to preach at their church service that night. We faced some obvious spiritual warfare before the service. The rain began to POUR, the van wouldn't start, and the gate out of the hotel was locked... but the devil isn't going to win the battle, and he didn't win last night! The service was wonderful - singing praises in Spanish, prayers and fellowship with Peruvian brothers and sisters, and Tucker opened the floor for questions. This led to the opportunity for all of us to share our testimonies. It was very special!!

We are headed back up today for our last day on the mountain. Pray that we will be allowed to work with the children in Lachaqui today.


1 comment:

  1. Praying for the secondary school director to open his heart and his school to you! Also for safe travels and good weather! God bless your trip!
