Friday, August 1, 2014

No Conozco..... Nadie

Translation: I don't know... Anyone.

Today's fellowship game was an old one. Name three people that you would love to have a conversation with and what would you talk to them about. The first rule was that no one could actually say "Jesus" because it was our first answer and truly our real answer. We had a wide range of interesting answers - some lofty and some shallow - and unfortunately, Bethany isn't familiar with most of them. We are teasing her a lot and Emilio, our driver, is leading the pack. He kept asking her if she knew the people listed (like Princess Di, Elizabeth Taylor, Mother Teresa, Osama Bin Laden and Joe Biden) and her answer was "No Conozco". :) We are having a great time fellowshipping together! Tomorrow's question - what would your superpower be and why would you use it?

This was another wonderful day. I am telling you that we can tell when people are praying for us! We had even more children at both schools today. They loved the story Stephanie told about Jonah and the whale - focused on obedience to God. The others acted it out and it was fantastic! They made paper whales with Jonah getting swallowed, and the Carhua kids even made a cool boat. We played "whale tag", which is a LOT like freeze tag but whales chasing a bunch of Jonahs is more fun.  We got to see our friend, Agosto, in Carhua, too.  He opened the museum room so that the team could see the mummies. I was slightly disappointed to see that our cases did not stop the ancestor worship. They have just started leaving a bowl of coca leaves and burned cigarettes in front of the cases. At least they aren't damaging the actual ancestors anymore.

We had one disappointment, but it wasn't a huge surprise. We had been asked by Zoraida to come and do a Bible study today, but when we showed up, the store was padlocked and we learned that the family had gone on a trip. Oh well. :( We will try again later!!

After another good dinner (and a game), we have prepared our stories and activities for tomorrow. We're currently sitting around working knots out of shoulder muscles and talking about, basically, everything. This is what I often miss when we get back home - the fellowship!

Prayer points for tomorrow: Continued good health, lots of kids to come out on a Saturday instead of going to the field, safe travels, and the possibility of Bible study again.

1 comment:

  1. The prayers will continue on and on. It is so encouraging to hear how the Lord is working and answering them so graciously! It sounds like you all are having a blast. Laughter really is the best medicine, isn't it? Very little time passes that I do not think of you all and lift you up in prayer and praising God for His graciousness in how He has blessed you all this week. Today I wrote in my journal "Show off for them today, Lord." I love hearing how He has!
